
Virginia Civil War Total Killed and Wounded
Virginia Civil War Total Dead and Died of Disease
Union and Confederate Casualties
Battle of Cloyd's Mountain Total Casualties and Prisoners
Battle of Cloyd's Mountain Map |

Cloyd's Mountain Battlefield Map |
The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, fought in southwestern Virginia on
May 9, 1864, officially resulted in Federal losses of 108 killed, 508 wounded and 72 captured or missing, for a
grand total of 688 casualties, and Confederate losses were 76 killed, 262 wounded and 200 captured or missing for a grand
total of 538. Combined Union and Confederate casualties totaled 1,196. The reader is encouraged to read the tabulations carefully,
for the losses also include a small number of soldiers killed following the Confederate rout and retreat and during the
subsequent Battle of New River Bridge fought on May 10. The final adjusted casualty tabulations for Cloyd's Mountain,
however, do not include the soldiers who died as a result of their wounds and diseases after the Civil War concluded
less than one year later in April 1865. The following reports are the final adjusted tabulations by both armies,
and although the totals are considered the official casualty numbers for Cloyd's Mountain, the figures were
subsequently agreed upon by those who fought and survived that bloody engagement causing total losses of nearly
1,200 soldiers.
Virginia Civil War Killed and Casualties |

Cloyd's Mountain Battlefield Map |
Confederate Casualties for Battle of Cloyd's Mountain
Total Confederate Casualties, Official Records |

Total Casualties for Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, Official Records. |
All the Confederates listed as missing-in-action were
captured, so the total captured should be 200.




Union Casualties for Battle of Cloyd's Mountain
Total Virginia Soldiers Killed in Civil War |

Battle of Cloyd's Mountain |

Union Casualties for Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, Official Records. |
The total Casualties for both Union and Confederate armies were drawn from the
final casualty tabulations, including company, regimental, brigade, and division reports, with respective adjustments,
and include Cloyd's Mountain, Jeffersonville, and New River bridge. The initial tabulations from both Union
Brig. Gen. Crook and Confederate Col. McCausland were included and subsequently amended.
After reviewing numerous casualty reports and returns from the regiments
and units engaged at Cloyd's Mountain, they were found to contain the usual estimates, embellishments and exaggerations
that are in the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies.
For example, Crook said in an earlier tabulation that during the battle
his men had captured 230 prisoners, in addition to the wounded, and afterwards buried more than 200 of the enemy
dead on Cloyd's Mountain, but his company and regimental commanders offered no such numbers nor activity in their respective
reports. Crook also reported that there must have been between 800 and 1,000 Confederates in killed and wounded, but that
remark, however, although opined was incorrect. Crook continued by saying that several sources informed him that hundreds
of Jenkins' men had deserted and that several Confederates had joined him, but that too was false.
Virginia Civil War Battlefields Map |

Map of Battles in Virginia Saltworks Campaign |
Battle of Cloyd's Mountain Historical Marker |

Battle of Cloyd's Mountain Historical Marker |
(Right) The battle on May 9, 1864, extended from Cloyd's Mountain to the Cloyd
farm, and the fight has historically been known by both names. The total Union
and Confederate men in killed was actually less than 200. The recently resurfaced historical marker is incorrect with
its total killed of 800, and it would have been nice if the restoration money would have been applied toward a new
marker with correct information. The erroneous total of more than 800 is most likely drawn from some of the initial after
battle reports which contained false and exaggerated casualty numbers for the enemy.
however, initially attempted to qualify and perhaps lessen the sting of the drubbing at Cloyd's Mountain by saying
the enemy had an aggregated force of 9,000 men of all arms, while his force remained shy of 3,000. While he also
stated Crook's losses at 600 but believed the total casualties to rise to at least 1,000, McCausland's assumption about
the size of the force that had defeated him on that day was obviously incorrect, even if one included Averell's division (which
hadn't engaged at Cloyd's), but his statement of Union losses of 600 should be considered an outstanding after battle
report. While Crook gave an exact accounting for the total Confederates that his command had buried and captured,
McCausland affirmed enemy troop strength and total casualties. Having viewed the disparities between all available tabulations
for said battle, the final adjusted reports of opposing commands were found to be the most accurate. After the casualty
reports were corrected and made final, neither side refuted the Confederate or Union casualty totals, but actually affirmed
the reports in diaries and memoirs. But unfortunately, many authors and even historians currently apply
the preliminary and exaggerated numbers for this action.
Preliminary reports, or after battle reports, are well-known for their inaccuracies.
After a skirmish or battle, regardless of the outcome, each unit, whether artillery, cavalry, or infantry, would have
roll or muster call to verify men present. Each company commander, having performed a head count, would ascertain
his losses and then forward the casualty tabulation to his regimental commander, who will review each company's report
and then tabulate a regimental casualty report and forward it to his commander, whether brigade or headquarters.
The brigade will review the subordinate casualty numbers and also make its casualty report. A week later, the initial
or preliminary report may be incorrect because missing-in-action, for example, may be changed from missing
to killed or even prisoner. A wounded soldier listed in the first report, such as Brig. Gen. Albert Jenkins, may have been
counted as wounded as well as captured, only to be listed as mortally wounded 10 days later. With all wars,
morale is vital to the unit and to the nation, so casualty figures were known to be intentionally misstated. There are
numerous casualty reports in the official records, having never been corrected, that are so grossly embellished, it's beyond
farcical. Because of said circumstances, accurate casualty reports are not easy to obtain. There are other reasons, too, such
as the end of war causing Confederates to destroy all their records lest they be captured and used as evidence
in support of treason or war crimes.
Major Thomas L. Broun's recollection of the battle of Cloyd's Mountain, Richmond,
VA. 1909. Broun served as volunteer aide on Colonel Beuhring Jones' staff, of
the Sixtieth Virginia Regiment, and was assigned to duty in the most contested area on that bloody day. Although written some
45 years after the battle, the numbers and events are recalled clearly and support other accounts of this fight.
Broun restated the casualties as follows: "The Federal loss in this battle
was 108 killed, 508 wounded and 72 captured or missing (688 Total); the Confederate loss 76 killed, 262 wounded and 200 captured
or missing (538 Total). The casualties were mainly in the Thirty-sixth Virginia Infantry Regiment, Morgan's dismounted men,
and the Forty-fifth Virginia Battalion. Crook's force was three times as great as that of the Confederate, under Jenkins and
McCausland." See also Battle of Cloyd's Mountain: Union
and Confederate Orders of Battle.
See also:

